Pink Sapphires

Pink Sapphire Gemstones

Pink Sapphires are rising in popularity in the market for gemstones and fine jewellery. A key addition to the sapphire gemstone family, that with the rising prominence of rose gold in fine jewellery, are becoming a trend-setting force. And hence have naturally become a great choice when it comes to top jewellery items like pink sapphire engagement rings. Pink sapphires, owing to their more recent rise in popularity, many, we presume, would be curious to learn about their strengths and possible weakness; and what potential buyers of pink sapphire jewellery, or the gemstones themselves, ought to know, before making that decision.

The Many Shades of Pink Sapphires

The Many Shades of Pink Sapphires taken from our own Inventory

The Characteristics of Pink Sapphires

Pink sapphires, like other natural sapphires, are a naturally occurring variant of the mineral conundrum. Pink sapphires, as a coloured variety within the sapphire family, owe their colour to the presence of various trace elements in their structure: such as iron, titanium, magnesium, chromium etc. Chromium is a key element that contributes to the saturation of pink in the gemstone. With a higher percentage of chromium contributing to the deeper pink hues. Pink sapphire gemstones, like other sapphires, are extremely durable material, and hence make a solid option for fine jewellery, like engagement rings.

Why you should go for a Pink Sapphire

This is an interesting question since pink sapphires are still sapphires, and so manifest the qualities that are associated with corundum based gemstones: durability, reflectivity and depending on the stone, strong hues. The meaning of pink sapphires, from an aesthetic perspective,  is best embodied by their ability to combine romance and femininity with a sense of luxury. In a more mystical sense, if you are into such things, for many who purchase gemstones certainly are, pink sapphires have been known to bring clarity and add a sense of determination to the mind of the wearer. Other sources point to the meaning of pink sapphires as a source of trust and loyalty. 

A pair of exceptional quality pink sapphires

The Many Shades of Pink Sapphires

It is important to note there is no single “pink sapphire”. Pink sapphires, like most other types of coloured sapphires, come in a variety of shades and tones. And depending on the jeweller in question there could be a vast number of options to choose from. So when it comes to the selection of pink sapphires you are spoilt for choice. In addition to its stand out colour with a variety of shades, pink sapphires contain other notable qualities that are worth considering.

Baby Pink Sapphires

This is a very light pink tone that attracts the attention of many girls who are looking for a charming and colourful choice of sapphire. Baby pink sapphires complement the other colours such as lilac and cream white usually associated with wedding settings. On rose gold, especially low karat rose gold such as 14K rose gold settings will enhance the beauty of these pale baby pink sapphires. Baby pink sapphires are relatively inexpensive, however, when the other properties such as clarity, lustre, and saturation are combined, they can still demand a higher price.

baby pink sapphire from ceylon

A baby pink sapphire in our inventory - origin - Sri Lanka (Ceylon) - treatment - Heated

Hot Pink Sapphire

Hot pink sapphires lie on the other end of the spectrum and they have a very intense pink colour. If unheated, hot pink sapphires can demand a high price. Heating usually enhances the colour of sapphires. The intense hot pink colour is very rare in natural unheated sapphires. On the other hand, hot pink sapphires can be too eye-catching and attract extra attention and some consider that as a minus for an engagement ring. However, being bold and beautiful what you are aiming to, hot pink sapphires are the right choice for you.

hot pink sapphires

Hot pink sapphires from our inventory

Pink and Purple

Pink and purple are very similar colours and it is very difficult to mark the boundary between the two. Sometimes the same sapphire can be seen as a pink sapphire by one while another may call it a purple. Identifying the true colour of a sapphire sometimes can be tricky.

Pink sapphire and a purple variant

Pink Sapphires and Rose Gold Jewellery

In recent times rose gold jewellery has begun to make an even stronger mark on the market for fine jewellery and also in other areas of life. From smartphones, cars, and clothing, as a theme selection choice for weddings and other grand ceremonies. This combination is able to capture that sense of romance and luxury, all at the same time. Into this mix enters the beauteous pink sapphire: With a wide array of shades, and its ability to combine near-perfectly with another pink-ish variant. These two, pink sapphires and rose gold (metals, fashion accessories etc.) hence are naturally complementary.

Pink Sapphire Colour Card from the Natural Gem Exchange

Pink Sapphire Colour Card from the Natural Gem Exchange

Where are pink sapphires coming from?

The number one source for high-quality pink sapphires is Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Increasingly, Madagascar is also producing good quality pink sapphires. Sri Lankan sapphires are mined around river beds and flood plains where large amounts of secondary alluvial deposits were formed over millions of years. These rough stones are found with smooth round shapes because they came a long way through waterways from the highlands before they settle in the low land areas such as Rathnapura and Ellehera.

Ceylon Pink Sapphires (from Sri Lanka)

Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) is one of the world's top spots for gemstones, particularly corundum based stones like sapphires. Whilst the island nation leads the way with the blue variant in the sapphire family, it has also become a solid source of pink sapphire stones. Pink sapphires require the presence of chromium to produce the particular hue, and the island nation is blessed with gemstone deposits in places like the Elahera Gem Field that feature this colour; with stones that are known for their deeper more vivid hues, which come in numerous tones. Ceylon is a country with a long and rich gem mining history, and provided you find the right jeweller you will have access to many shades of pink sapphires to choose from. 

A Hot Pink Sapphire from Ceylon

A Hot Pink Sapphire from Ceylon

Pink Sapphires from Madagascar

The African Island nation of Madagascar is a more recent entrant to the gemstone industry. Whilst countries in South and South-East Asia have led the way in the world of sapphires, Madagascar, along with other East African countries, has become a strong contender with larger carat stones. With a growing supply of stones from new sources, Madascgar pink sapphires are also building a reputation when it comes to gemstone colour. The key feature of sapphire colour is their uniform character, and Madagascar pink sapphires are known to feature this strongly. 

Rough pink sapphire gemstones from sri lanka

Rough pink sapphires we sourced from Ceylon