Pink Sapphire Gemstones has an average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars based on 2 customer reviews.
Pink sapphires are rising in popularity under the category of sapphires, but also among gemstones in general. A greater number of people are drawn to its attractive colour, which ranges from the lighter version of pink to deeper cherry-coloured tones. The growth in demand for pink sapphire has been due to a number of factors. First, owing to the general rise in demand for coloured sapphire varieties: people are expressing a growing desire for showcasing different coloured stones. From their choice of engagement rings, and necklaces to pendants. Two, the rise in popularity of rose gold jewellery has indirectly contributed to the demand for pink sapphires.
Pink sapphires have been viewed as a natural complement to rose gold metal, and more broadly to rose gold colour in general use. The value of pink sapphire jewellery lies in the kind of meaning it carries for the wearer: For it is a colour that can be viewed as a sign of romance and femininity. And if you are in the market for a pink sapphire engagement rings, these gemstones are a great fit. Pink sapphires are a solid gemstone for those who are interested in this particular hue, as there is a variety of pink to rose-coloured gemstones in the world. From the rare pink diamonds to rosy rose quartz, to the glowing rhodonite, to richly hued pink tourmaline.
The options are numerous. However, only a very few (dare I say one single) stones are able to showcase virtually all of their strengths in a single gem with a specific hue: and that would be the pink sapphire. The pink corundum stones, from Brilliyond, come in an array of shades and tones: and they can, almost gemstone for gemstone match virtually all other pink or rose gemstones in the market, and everything else in between. Pink sapphires with a Mohs scale of 9 are among the hardest natural minerals in the world and will blow away virtually all other pink gemstone alternatives. So if you are looking for a wide selection of pink gemstones in the corundum range, look no further. So contact us for more info.