What is an Eternity Ring?

Eternity rings are jewels which contain a thin band, consisting of small gemstones, usually diamonds. Eternity rings are marked by a continuous line, with gemstones carefully placed to ensure no gaps to main that unity. Eternity rings are also known as infinity rings, as they both signify some enduring or everlasting.

What does an Eternity Ring symbolize?

Eternity rings are tokens of love and commitment, which are meant to symbolize enduring commitment to the significant other. Depending on the mindset of the wearer, Eternity rings could have a greater, potentially otherworldly meaning.

On what finger does the Eternity Ring go on?

Eternity rings are usually worn on the left hand, on the ring finger. Usually between the wedding and engagement rings. As the Eternity ring is meant to solidify your existing bond even further into the future.

How much should you pay for an Eternity Ring?

This would depend on the number of factors, notably the type and number of gemstones that are being used. Good quality Eternity Rings could range anywhere from $ 500 to 1500. Though high quality Eternity Rings could even surpass the $2000 mark.

When should you receive an Eternity Ring?

This would depend on who is giving it. Similar to the task of giving an Eternity Ring to someone special, there is no fixed time for receiving this either. However, the best bet on receiving an Eternity Ring is for you to take the first step in offering your partner one.

Can men wear Eternity Rings?

Yes, men can also wear Eternity rings. Whilst the design for men’s Eternity rings may differ from those of women’s rings; men can solidify their bond through an Eternity Ring. Also Eternity Rings need not necessarily be worn in a romantic context, so there is different incentive.

Are Eternity Rings Popular?

From the time the great diamond company, De Beers started this phenomenon in the 1960’s, the popularity of Eternity Rings have only grown in strength. Today Eternity Rings are a welcome addition to the world of fine jewellery.

Can Eternity Rings be worn by a couple?

Certainly. Whilst Eternity Rings are traditionally worn by women, the importance of the rings being worn together by a couple in a relationship is an acceptable, or better an advisable practice. As the exchange of Eternity Rings can be seen as the start of something new, and possibly everlasting.

How many diamonds or gemstones are found in an Eternity Ring?

Whilst there is no fixed number, it usually extends into the high dozens. So it is best to inquire about the specific number with your jeweller. Whilst higher the number of gemstones the better, though it will be pricer.

On what Occasions do you give an Eternity Ring?

This is an interesting question, since Eternity Rings can be given to a person (e.g. partner) at any time in a relationship. Especially in moments when you believe the time is right to take things to the next level. Which could be before or after the engagement, wedding or later.

How does an Eternity Ring complement an Engagement Ring?

An Eternity Ring complements an Engagement Ring by functioning as a link between the wedding ring. A link that is potentially spiritual in nature, as the word Eternity is meant to be something eternal.

Can you give yourself an Eternity Ring?

And even better question. The answer is again yes. However it is best understand why you are going to do so, and your long term plan for yourself in your life. Eternity Rings are not a simple gift. They are meant to be a powerful manifestation of commitment, strengthening something you consider special.

Promise Ring Byron


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White Gold Diamond Promise Ring Seleena

From A$1468

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Eternity Rings has an average rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars based on 2 customer reviews.

Eternity Rings are given to signify endurance and the continuity of something good, something that will hopefully endure forever. The giving of eternity rings has a long tradition that goes back thousands of years, with the reasons for their use varying across cultures and times. However, eternity rings no matter from what part from the world their from, or the timeline of their use, are united in one principle characteristic: the importance of permanence. Eternity rings are meant to communicate the idea of continuity and endurance embodied in the tangible beauty of a fine jewel. As as start, some distinctions need to be made: Eternity rings, also known as eternity bands can get confused with other novel ring types, those that also correspond to the concept of time. With words eternity, infinity most notably, being thrown around. What you as an eternity ring seeker need to understand is that rings in this particular range are a special variant, with unique design features, that carry a particular meaning. And by understanding what eternity rings or eternity bands, as they are also known, are, you will be better prepared to make the right purchase decision.

Diamond Eternity Rings

Diamonds are the top gemstone of choice when it comes to eternity rings. To a point where eternity rings have come to be instinctively identified as diamond eternity rings. The popularity of diamond eternity rings is a consequence of the dominance of diamonds as the top precious stones in the fine jewellery industry: As these rare, durable, glittering gemstones are the favoured choice for those seeking to cement their love, commitment, friendship etc. via a beautiful, enduring eternity ring. Diamond eternity rings are the top choice within the eternity ring ring range, as there are other gemstone alternatives. Notably from sapphires, and emeralds, with emerald eternity rings being another popular variant. Diamond eternity rings are the most popular option owing to the wider cultural perception that has come to be associated with this particular gemstone. The saying ‘diamonds are forever’ resonates well with the concept of eternity rings, which are meant to communicate endless of joy, beauty and goodness. So for a top of the line eternity ring, one that fully manifests the inner qualities of this jewel, diamond eternity rings ought to be the choice for you.

Gold Eternity Rings

The most popular metal of choice in making of the eternity ring band is gold. However the colour/type of gold that are used vary. As gold eternity rings are distinguished according to the colour of gold: with yellow gold being the popular variant; however its dominance is challenged by the growing prominence of white gold eternity rings: White gold, which is now an industry leader when it comes to fine jewellery is a top metal of choice for eternity rings. As the white, clear tone combines well with the colourless character of diamonds. Another key entry in when it comes to the choice of gold, is the rise of rose gold eternity rings. This highly popular colour, which has made considerable ground in the market for engagement and wedding rings, is a great choice for eternity rings. Especially if you seek to combine your rose gold eternity ring with a precious stone like pink sapphire, for a top gemstone-gold colour combination.

Sapphire Eternity Rings

Whilst diamonds remain the top gemstone of choice for eternity rings, in recent times, riding the growing popularity of corundum based gemstones, sapphire eternity rings are growing in prominence. The choice of sapphires as gemstones for eternity rings is due to their beauty in terms of color, durability, and glow. Since the most common diamonds types are the colorless variety, thus those seeking a colorful gemstone alternative for their eternity ring of choice sapphires are the way to go. These precious gemstone known around the world for their popular blue variety also come in popular gemstone hues: pink, yellow, and even green and orange. Sapphire eternity rings ought to be eternity ring of choice for those seeking this ring variant with prominent presence of color, and also if you prefer a more budget friendly option, one that does not compromise on quality and durability, but instead provides the optimal ring design in this range.

Eternity Ring Designs

The design of eternity rings today tend to converge on the popular circle band, with gemstones placed on it, that go all the way around the ring. The marker of continuity is signified by the circle of gemstones that surround the ring, as the absence of breaks or other additions are meant to imply the perpetuity of the good that is embodied in the intentions of the giver. Whilst the designs of eternity rings are subject to change based on the expectations of the customer. For we at Brilliyond value customer input, and the give you a degree of freedom to make certain additions to your ring’s designs, within certain limits. So your choice of eternity ring can carry its own signature.

Diamond Eternity Rings Australia

When it comes to purchasing top quality eternity rings, or any fine jewellery for that matter, location of your jeweller is key. With much of the jewellery industry moving its focus and at times its entire operations online, the geographic location of the store/company that you choose to purchase your eternity rings is worth considering. We at Brilliyond place great emphasis on ensuring quality service and unmatched products in meeting our customers expectations. No matter what part of the world you are from you stand to benefit by our commitment for speed and excellence. However, as a company out of Australia, local customer stand to benefit in other ways: from free nation-wide delivery, speedier after-sales service, quicker resizing opportunities, and more competitive prices owing to the tax advantage that Australian customers stand to benefit from. So Australian buyers from Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra or any other part of the country, particularly those who value local gemstones and jewels ought to consider out Australian diamond eternity rings.