Alexandrite White Gold Solitaire Engagement R...

Alexandrite Rings has an average rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars based on 2 customer reviews.

One of the most uncanny gemstones in the world, the alexandrite is often referred to as the ‘color changing gemstone’ is a variant of the chrysoberyl family: an aluminum oxide mineral, that contains beryllium like emeralds. However alexandrite are not technically considered to be a part of the beryl group of gems. The origins of alexandrite gems goes back to the 1800s, where the first deposits of these minerals were uncovered in the Russia. The name of the gemstone is based on the Russian Emperor Tsar Alexander II, and in the subsequent period Russia dominated the scene when it comes top alexandrite gems, and it was associated with imperial Russia. Over time other smaller players emerged, however, the supply of the stone remained relatively weak, and it is so to this day, which is a factor that adds to their value. Today alexandrite is recognized as one of the gemstones for the month of June, and they are a premium option. To own an alexandrite ring is special and with good reason.

Distinguishing Features of Alexandrite

Alexandrite gems differ from popular gemstones in that they feature a number of distinct qualities. In addition to their colour changing character, and feature, alexandrite stones are known to exhibit features, the most notable being their colour profile. In the world of gems, alexandrite as a matter of principle must exhibit colours such as red and green to be considered legitimate. As a potential buyer you will be curious to know what exactly is meant by the color changing character of this gemstone: Alexandrite gems, as noted come in two main colors, which are a consequence of trace minerals like chromium and vanadium that are present at various levels in the stone. When it comes to the stone’s color changing feature this is a function of a number of variables: from the stone’s natural color, the role of light, the type of light that the stone is subjected to at a given time. Since visible colour is a function of the object’s interaction with light that hits its surface. Alexandrite stones are able to feature a green hue when under daylight or a raspberry red when viewed under incandescent and other artificial light. For the mystical minded, alexandrite gems, owing to their great rarity are associated with luck and the prospects of fortune.

Key Strengths of Alexandrite Gemstones

The main reason for purchasing an alexandrite gemstone for your ring could come down to a variety of reasons. Gemstones distinguish themselves owing to a variety of factors: their colour, origins, rarity, and importantly for many their name. In this regard diamonds have established themselves as the top gemstones in the world, followed by sapphires, rubies and emeralds. When it comes to alexandrite stones a factors work in this favor. Alexandrite is an extremely durable stone scoring a solid 8.5 on the Mohs scale for hardness, coming in only behind diamonds and sapphires. Alexandrite stones are known for their high clarity. Since clarity is a key feature in gemstone quality, with the value of gems corresponding positively with a high clarity mark, alexandrite stones tend to score strongly relative to other precious gems they tend to feature fewer inclusions and blemishes. Further, when inclusion in alexandrite in some instances produces an effect called chatoyance: or cat’s eye effect. A feature produced by the particular presence of inclusions. Whilst chatoyancy is not feature that is unique to alexandrite gems, the prevalence of the color changing effect in addition to the cate’s eye feature makes these gems a standout.

Why Purchase Alexandrite Engagement Rings

Alexandrite is among the rarest gemstones in the world: they are rarer than diamonds, sapphires, rubies and emeralds. So if you’re idea is to stand out with a top colourless gemstone for your engagement ring, then you have your pick. In addition to their rarity, the high durability and relatively fewer level of inclusions one finds in natural alexandrite is another key advantage. Those who opt for an alexandrite engagement ring might wish to consider that in addition to their colour changing character, high durability and these gems also feature a phenomenon called pleochroism: which refers to an optical effect, where gemstone could be visualized with different colours depending on the angle/direction from which it is viewed. In alexandrite, the pleochroic colours that are showcased vary from shades of green, and purplish red. So for those who wish their engagement ring to dazzle those around them, then you have virtually no better gemstone bet. Alexandrite engagement rings can be seen as a premium option for those who are seeking a coloured gemstone ring. For it combines an array of colour effects in a single stone, and provided your favourite colour is not blue, these rare gems make an excellent choice. And when it comes to your choice of a jeweller, note that Brilliyond is one of the few companies in the world that can provide gem-quality alexandrite gems sourced from Ceylon (Sri Lanka), a country where the world’s largest alexandrite stones were unearthed. This adds to the rarity factor of your selection.