Characteristics of Ceylon Sapphires

ceylon sapphire gemstones

Ceylon sapphires, the corundum gemstones that come from the island of gems, have historically and rightfully been valued for their beauty and rarity. In a world where sapphires are now being sourced from a number of different countries, with numerous variants entering the market, promising quality and value, the question is what makes sapphires from this part of the world special? One must understand that the qualities that make Ceylon sapphires valuable are prevalent in sapphire from other parts of the world as well. However, what distinguishes corundum gemstones from this nation, which comes with a rich heritage in precious stones, are the prominence of these characteristics, and their prevalence in the proportion to sapphires that comes from other parts of the world.

The Beauty of Ceylon Sapphires

Beauty as a concept is an interesting one, for there a number of debates going on with regards to this point: On whether beauty can be understood objectively, where a universal standard exists that can be agreed upon, or it is something that is subjective, meaning that the idea of beauty has a number of different interpretations, and there is no agreeable standard that we can agree on. This is a complex debate, which cannot be engaged here. However, this is not to say that there are no measurable markers from which, in this case, a gemstone’s quality, and hence its beauty can be understood. Sapphires as a precious gemstone are valued foremost for their beauty: meaning the external character of the stone is valued in accordance with the prevalence of certain qualities. It is important to understand that in the world of gems, the beauty of the gemstone and its value are positively related: A key standard that measures a sapphire’s value and by extension, its beauty is our own 6Cs of Sapphires. The components of these measures are expansive, and we would encourage the reader to read further in this area. For now it enough to say that the 6Cs, that measures the value of sapphire by studying its: colour, clarity, cut, carat, country and curing (treatment) is a way to determine the beauty of the stone. The better the stone scores in each of these areas the higher its value and hence its beauty.

What makes Ceylon Sapphires Beautiful?

First, let’s start by understanding what makes a sapphire beautiful generally. Sapphire are gemstones that are valued for their colour: the strength, the uniformity (in non-bi-coloured sapphires) and the type of colour shade are key factors that determine its value and by extension its beauty. Ceylon sapphires have historically been valued for their strong and uniform colours. The various colours in which the gemstones are found, exhibit a level of vividity that is not found in gemstones in other parts of the world, in terms of the prevalence of this quality. Whilst top quality gemstones can be sourced from any part of the world, but as noted earlier; the focus here is on the qualities that make them beautiful, and such stones are found in greater numbers in Ceylon. So if you are in the market for sapphires, high-quality sapphires that on average carry a greater value in relation to the factors that make a sapphire beautiful, Ceylon sapphires ought to be the choice for you.

Varieties of Ceylon Sapphires 

What do we mean by variety in sapphires? If you are not talking about sapphire sizes and carats, this factor in this context relates to its colour. Notably the variety of colours in which this gemstone is found in this country. Sapphires are renowned for their blue colour, however sapphires come in a variety of colours: in addition to blue, there is the popular pink, yellow, white variants. However, sapphires owing to their diverse mineral character can also be found even in colours as varied as green, purple and even orange. In addition to a number of distinct colours, sapphires from Ceylon are also found in bi-coloured or two-toned varieties. Ceylon sapphires range in quality of the colour and the type of hues at a greater level in relation to those from other countries. Variety in sapphires in addition to colours and bi-colours; they can also be found in unique colour combinations. A notable example here is the extremely rare but famous Padparadscha sapphire: This gemstone variety reflects the colour of the setting sun and the Sri Lankan louts, is a special stone that originally came from this part of the world. Whilst other Padparadscha varieties have been unearthed in other parts of the world, the most authentic version of this sapphire is to be found in Ceylon.

The Many Sizes Of Ceylon Sapphires

Sapphires are corundum crystals that in their rough, uncut state come in various shapes and sizes. Whilst those who are interested in jewels often deal with those that range from 0.25, 0.50 to the 1.00 carat, the so-called “magical” range. Whilst in their cut form sapphires can be found in these and many other intermediate sizes. Our focus here is on the rough variety, which may seem unimportant since what you look for in a purchase is a well-cut gemstone. One needs to understand that the size of the sapphire in their rough, uncut state is key in determining their quality in the cut, polished gemstone. Since the larger size of the sapphire is more favourable for producing a better cut gemstone, one that is high in carat and shows greater colour. Ceylon sapphires in their uncut form come in many shapes and sizes: ranging from less than one carat to many times that number. The latter being rare, but not too rare to be difficult to find and acquire. Gem merchants and traders recognize the value of larger, rough sapphires and price them accordingly. However, what is different is the percentage of the gemstones that are unearthed in this region that fall into the larger size range. Sapphires from Ceylon in addition to being found in a variety of colours, shades, are also found in larger sizes in proportion to those from other parts of the world, owing to the sheer abundance of these gemstones in this country.

Competitive Prices of Ceylon Sapphires

Pricing of gemstones is always tricky. Especially in the world of sapphires where a formal framework for the measure of their quality is yet to fully take shape. The price of a sapphire generally corresponds to its perceived value, which is related to the key attributes that determine it: the 6Cs. Whilst the price of a gemstone in a given situation is always dependent on the quality of the stone at a point in time of purchase; the prices of sapphires from this part of the world, collectively come at a bargain. That is, in relation to their quality, with respect to the 6Cs: colour, clarity, cut etc. To the kind alternatives, one can get from other parts of the world, for a competitive price. Much of this is relative, and bargain hunters might seem interested in making a steal. And when it comes to gemstones the industry is always pushing discounted gemstones and cheaper offerings. However, what we are talking about when it comes to Ceylon sapphires are top quality stones, found in numerous colours, shapes and carats, and on average can be found at a lower, affordable price. In summary, it can be said Ceylon sapphires, in terms of value and quality, come with the whole package.