Tsavorite The Magnificent Green Garnet

What comes to mind when you are asked to picture a bright green gemstone? Is it the emerald. Which is arguably the most natural choice given its dominance in the top tier of gemstones. Or what about the green sapphire? Which is not as well known but increasingly more accessible owing to the growing adoption of corundum based gemstones.

But what if we tell you that there is another player in the field? A top green gemstone that is among the rarest gemstones in the world. With an interesting back story and unique mineralogical character, the Tsavorite is the magnificent green garnet which we shall learn about in this Education page.

What is a Tsavorite?

The first point to consider is that tsavorites are part of the garnet group of gemstones. Which means they are silicate minerals that differ from each other with respect to the other garnet species as they are known-in terms of their chemical character, despite sharing a unified structure. Hence garnets come in a number of varieties: around twenty recognised species, with a handful of gem-quality garnet species.

Colours is the key factor in determining the specific garnet type and value. Whilst there are overlaps between various garnet species when it comes to displaying various hues, garnet colours tend to fall neatly into different dominant groups. Notable here are the grossular garnets: which are calcium-alumina group of garnet stones, that is a sub group in the garnet family which gemstone types that come in an array of hues; many of the colourless but important number being recognizable via their distinct colour palettes like green. Enter the tsavorite garnet.

Tsavorite garnets are fall under the grossular group of garnets, and are recognised by the following chemical formula: (Ca3Al2Si3O12). The key differentiator in this sub group of garnets of course is the colour. The green hue is a distinct feature in the grossular garnet family, and for the most part in garnet group as a whole. Whilst certain garnet species such as the demantoids, that fall under the andradite family is also green in colour. However, the tsavorite stands out as the more durable option. Which takes us into the study of the key features of tsavorite garnets.

Key Features of the Tsavorite Garnet

Tsavorites are among the rarest gemstones in the world. Which might sound interesting considering that garnets are relatively more abundant in nature. Tsavorites are interesting in that they are not only rare, they among the most sought after since they feature a combination of strengths.

For starters natural green gemstones are relatively rare in nature, in addition to emeralds, green sapphires and the immensely rare green diamonds there is fewer competition. With tsavorites what you get is an interesting combination of a garnet species that is generally abundant, but rare when one considers the specific variety in the grossular sub group. And the tsavorite are among the more durable variants in the garnet family: with tsavorites gemstones scoring a solid 7 – 7.5 in the Mohs scale for hardness.

Tsavorite feature a rich green hue, that varies from the more famous emerald, but differs in terms of the select shade: unlike the emerald which tends to be predominant with a vibrant green colour with shades cool blue hue mixed in; the tsavorite features a strong green hue that is on the warmer side, with gemstones in this range varying in terms of concentration of colour. Which might be good option for those wish to showcase something different.

And when it comes to comparing the two top green gemstones, it might be interesting to note that tsavorites are hundreds of times rarer than emeralds, and emeralds are rarer than diamonds! I addition when it comes to obtaining high quality green gemstone, tsavorite besides their rarity, tend to feature far fewer inclusions on average. Which is a key gemstone quality factor.

Another standout feature of tsavorite gems is that the only ones in the market are the natural variants. As synthetic versions of this gemstone are very difficult if not impossible to come by, as the ability to artificially reproduce them in the laboratory is extremely difficult. So only natural tsavorite gemstones are available in the market.

Tsavorite Countries of Origin

One of the factors that sets tsavorite gemstones apart is their rarity. But what is about their origins makes them so difficult to come by? To answer this we need to the main sources of this variant in the garnet family.

As noted tsavorites are among the rarest gemstones, this is due to the only handful of regions from which this stone is sourced from. The origins of tsavorite goes back to the mid point to the 20th century. In 1967 a Scottish geologist named Campbell R. Bridges who was gemstone hunting in the mountains of Tanzania, bordering Kenya in a thin strip of land that divides the two nations that are set in the gem rich region of East Africa. The geologist upon exploring the region encounters a strange rock formation studded with green crystals. Whilst there is some debate on the foremost tsavorite gemstone findings, with some accounts pointing to parts of Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). But Tanzania remains the certified first location.

This grossular garnet formation soon captured interest of top gemstone and mining companies like Tiffany. And soon the demand for these green garnet variants took form, with more exploration for new tsavorite deposits leading to new sources being discovered in parts of Kenya. And in the case of Scottish geologist, lightening appeared to strike twice, as the same geologist found a new source of tsavorite in the neighbouring Kenya. This was an important find, for despite new tsavorite sources being found in neighbouring nations, Kenyan tsavorite remain the best with gemstones sourced from the region of Tsavo, Kenya being among the best.

Another point on the origins of tsavorite, is their interesting geological origins. Tsavorite are sourced from metamorphic rock formations, which form deep within the Earth’s surface. With the actual age of tsavorite stones going back over 2 billion years. Making them a special choice for fine jewels like garnet engagement rings.

Meaning and Symbolism of Tsavorite Gems

When it comes to attaching a specific meaning to this rare green garnet it is a bit tricky, as tsavorites are a new entrant on the scene. Hence the traditional value that come to be attached with a gemstone with a history of use does not apply to this gemstone.

When it comes to tsavorite meaning, a good place to start is the position of tsavorite as the gemstone of month for the months of January and May. The two months of the year which already feature dedicated gemstones, but this modern addition is no doubt to liven up the line up, especially for the month of May, where it goes back against the precious emerald, which has long been unchallenged in that spot.

The birthstone is meant to enhance the gemstone wearer of the corresponding month, and it is generally seen as a token of good fortune. Since there is little to state with respect to symbolism of tsavorite given their newness, one meaning is that of value. Tsavorite are quite expensive, that gemstones with high carats commanding thousands of dollars for good quality gemstones.