Emerald: The Rare Qualities of the May Birthstone
Emeralds are a top gemstone. Among the top four gemstones in the world, emeralds need little introduction in terms of their status and beauty in the gemstone world. And their pride of place is well warranted. The iconic green gemstone is renowned and sought after for many a good reason. And more so, since it is the birthstone of the month for May.
In this Education page, we will outline the main factors that make emeralds what they are and will explain why emeralds are the May birthstone which makes them a rare and top choice for you.
History of Emerald Use
When it comes to emeralds there are a number of factors to consider. Arguably an overlooked factor is the historical value that has been attached to them. Emeralds have been in use for thousands of years, with the earliest recognised going back to ancient Egypt. The origins of the word ‘emerald’ are traced back, like most things in our culture, to the Greeks: coming from the Greek word ‘smaragdos’ and is considered by some to be among the oldest minerals in the world, the famous green gemstone has been recognised the world over.
In ancient times emeralds owing to their rarity, rich green hues and meaningful durability and the nobility of the era, such as the Pharos of Egypt. According to certain accounts, the emerald was Cleopatra's favourite gemstone: the last and most famous monarch of Egypt was believed to favour this gem over all others. The historical popularity of Egypt and emeralds has endured. This famous region, consisted of the ancient kingdoms containing emerald mines that remain to this day.
Other notable periods of use were the times of the Incas and Aztec kingdoms of South Central America. When the conquistadors plundered this region they took away much of the wealth, among the most notable being the rich store of emeralds the Spaniards sought after. Given their ancient character, emeralds were recognized throughout much of the ancient world. Civilizations as far apart as Rome and culture in India adopted them for special use. Often in relation to the medicinal, spiritual or mystical significance that is attached to them, which we shall see next.
The Symbolism and Meaning of Emeralds
When speaking of birthstones, it is important to understand their tradition. For those new to this idea, birthstones are special gemstones that are assigned to each month in the calendar year. With certain months featuring one or more birthstones. For example, the month of December has three birthstones assigned to it. In addition, there are the modern vs traditional birthstone variants. June, for example, has two different gemstones traditional and modern. Emeralds along with the other main gemstone that makes up the top four or five (you know that they- correspond to the top three or four colours) are the same for the traditional and modern era.
When it comes to meaning that is attached to emeralds, the examples are numerous and vary in terms the region and period. In many of the ancient cultures from Hindu, Arabic and certain European traditions, emeralds were associated with medicinal use, with the gemstone correctly or otherwise associated with their healing powers. This a viewpoint that has endured, as emeralds in many mystical traditions are worn for their healing and protective powers.
In Hindu traditions, emeralds were considered to connect the person with their gods, and need it is mentioned emeralds make up the twelve foundation stones of the New Jerusalem. As a healing and soothing gemstone, with great symbolic value, the lovely green emerald’s green hue is appealing to the mind for more reasons than one. Its beauty and captivation are matched by its soothing effects, making it a wonderful option for those who desire a gemstone of rarity and value. But what exactly are emeralds anyway? Since we have focused on the visual character of the stone, and symbolism, we now look at the mineralogical character of emeralds.
The Mineralogical Character of Emeralds
Emeralds as noted are among the oldest minerals in the world. Some of the oldest specimens, such as those found in parts of South Africa, are traced back billions of years, with certain emeralds types nearing the high 2 billion mark. Considering that the Earth is ‘only’ around 4 billion years, this is a very interesting factor indeed. But are emeralds actually?
Emeralds are variants in the Beryl family of minerals. And they are the most precious variety. Emeralds are composed of beryllium aluminium silicate, and they get their colour naturally via the presence of trace minerals. Most notably vanadium and chromium. Among the rarest of the top precious stones, being rarer than diamonds and sapphires. And is sourced in a smaller number of gem-producing nations in the world, unlike sapphires and diamonds, two of its major competitors.
Emeralds in addition to their colour and beauty are also valued for their solid durability. Scoring a solid 7.5 – 8.0 on the Mohs scale for hardness. Which makes emeralds a top choice for gemstone jewellery. So what makes emeralds a special choice, besides their beauty, and colour? Well, one of which is the regions where the gemstone is sourced from. Which we shall see next.
Emerald Countries of Origin
When it comes to emerald sourcing, South America is the top choice. For a long time going back to ancient civilizations, this region has featured a rich deposit of emerald gemstones. With the nation of Colombia leading the way. With top mines in Brazil also leading the way. Emeralds are also mined in countries in gem-producing nations in Africa: countries like South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Madagascar, and less-known nations like Zambia are renowned for these gemstones.
Emeralds are pretty much an unknown quantity in Asia, with gem-producing nations in South and South East Asia not known for these rare gems. In turn, enhancing their market value. Interestingly newer emerald sources have been discovered in parts of the United States, with the Emerald Hollow Mine operating in North Carolina providing new scope for discovery.
Emerald gemstones are sourced from different parts of the world, often featuring certain characteristic features. Emerald stones from Colombia are known for their purer green hues, whilst those from countries like Brazil, which are mined from famous mines such as Minas Gerais feature stones with great vibrancy. Emeralds with rich deep greens with a light glow are among the most valuable. Whilst the emeralds that are coming out of East-Africa are known for their deep green stones, which feature a light blue-green tone.
Picking Emerald Birthstones For Fine Jewellery
When it comes to picking an emerald, or any gemstone for a fine jewellery item, a number of factors need to consider. Whilst the visual character of the stone: its colour and its glow are what capture the person’s attention. However, picking a fine jewellery item requires the potential buyer to consider a number of other factors.
Such as the key gemstone quality factors: the emerald’s cut, clarity, carat and of course colour. The importance of colour is important for more reasons than one. It is important to note that not all emerald colours are the same. Emerald stones vary in terms of the type of green, and the vibrancy of the colour that is present in the stone.
When picking a top piece of jewellery, it is important to pay attention to these factors, and important to know whether the gemstone of choice is a natural sourced one or an artificially produced (lab-grown) stone. May birthstone buyers must inquire about the gemstone’s country of origin, and if a needed certification for further proof.