Engraved Engagement Rings: Engraving it Right
engagements are meant to be personal and special but in a way that is different to that of a ring. An engraved engagement is a token of something (hopefully) permanent. Whilst the options for customizing your symbol of love and commitment can take a variety of forms: from the colour and/or type of precious stone, the type of metal (gold, platinum etc.), the shape of your precious stone, the use of accent stones, or maybe to opt for a single centre stone, there are certain principles that you must consider If you have been shopping for engraved engagements ring for any amount of time, you would have bound to have encountered these options. But if you want your ring to stand out more. To make it stand for something different, personal and unique? Welcome to the process of engagement ring engraving.
Factors that Contribute to Engraving Engagement Rings
Your engagement ring is a place to engrave something that connects you with something or someone you care about. Which could be your partner’s name, an important date of birth, your favourite place, or something that remind you of the things that matter. Classic options are the initials of names, a shared hobby, a favourite place, an idea of interest, the date of your first ‘date’. The options are endless. However, if wish to get a bit creative with your engravings, then you may opt to go for some words of wisdom. Engraved engagement rings are interesting in that there is limited space to work with, for depending on the centrepiece of the engagement, the room for adding your desired markings are greater. And note that this range of range jewellery comes under the heading of custom engraved jewellery, as these are custom made per your requirements. Notable here are rings with gemstones, that provide that extra space for the addition of special messages. Here are some popular types of engravings for your consideration:
Engraving Important Messages
Which could take the form of maximums, a favourite proverb or even song lyrics are not uncommon among those who wish to leave their mark on their engagement ring. Sometimes a few memorable words can communicate a lot more than one may express in a long conversation. Humans are constantly in search of (at least we ought to be) wisdom. No place better to remember it, than to engrave it in a very special place.
Foreign Letters & Verses
A popular choice is the engraving of maxims from other languages. With Latin and Greek verses, being a favourite for those in many Western countries. However Arabic and Mandarin are also interesting options. Though Mandarin’s character system may prove to be a challenge and will depend on the expertise of your jeweller. In fact, this approach can be combined with the previous idea of citing words of wisdom: which can now be presented in a foreign language. Of course, engravings that come in good old English will also work fine, provided the engraving is carried out correctly with care.
A Special Date
Another interesting option is to engrave the forthcoming date or location of your wedding or maybe it is your anniversary or the day you met your partner or the day of your child's birth etc. The possibilities are numerous This is after all your special day, and marking it in something solid is a great way to go. But just make sure that you get the dates correct. Since this is something that happens in the future, getting it right will require some planning. In fact, it is best to hold off on this decision, until after the big day. So that when the dust settles, you can proceed with confidence.
Finger Prints
A more popular choice in men’s rings (wedding and engagement), owing to the large size. Yet it is possible to incorporate a fingerprint design onto your partner’s engagement ring. Which again comes down to the craft of the jeweller. Fingerprint engravings require a ring with a larger band to make the engraving visible. A good option in this instance is diamond engagement rings: which come with elaborate designs, just keep an eye on the price tag. Or you may wish to get creative and have a part of both your, and your partner’s fingerprints, engraved on a single ring. Speaking of fingerprints, which one may associate with security, it is curious to know, that some persons consider the engagement ring a suitable location to store secrets, like passwords. Well not the whole thing obviously, as your jeweller would know it.
Getting your Engravings Right
Engraving your fine jewellery such as engagement rings, special pendants requires planning. And depending on your expectations, a bit more than what you would expect. For it is important that you make up your mind when deciding on a style or verse. For once it is ‘on’, a change of mind (i.e. to remove or replace your chosen engraving) will prove to be a bit tricky, and depending on the process of change, can affect the final quality of your engagement ring. Engraved pendants are another addition, and provide more room for the addition of specific designs and messages, for depending on the size of the pendant there is more freedom to place your jewellery engravings. So before you decide on anything, talk to your partner. If it is your idea to have the engagement ring engraved, get her input, directly if necessary. And if you think that getting an engraving is a good idea, then consider what it would look like, in relation to other elements of your ring. Such as:
Metal Type
Width of the Band
Presence of Accent Stones
The Design of your Engagement ring
Keep it Short
When it comes to engagement rings the space that is available on them is purposefully limited. So be mindful about what you would like to be engraved. Further, keep in mind that even short verses can prove to be a challenge, if the engagement ring needs to be resized for the engravings, you may need to reconsider.
Be Prepared For Adjustments
This point follows from the first. When getting an engagement ring done, there are a number of factors that determine its quality, and suitability. So in the course of making your engagement ring (for custom options) and adjusting it, for shape and size, the addition of engravings is another factor for you to consider. For when rings are adjusted for size (e.g. to lose a fit for the finger), a segment of the ring is removed, for it fit better, which may affect other aspects of the ring quality. So it is best to get your size, shape of the finger and other measurements right, before proceeding.
Engraving Methods
Engagement ring, like any other precious (metal) jewellery, is carried out in two ways: The engraving techniques are laser engraving and direct casting. The type of engraving method comes down to the preference and the capabilities of the jeweller. Let’s look at the two types separately. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages.
Laser Engraving
Also known as laser markings. Is a technique that tends to be a safe option, as the designs are engraved upon the metal band of the ring. So there’s less chance of breaking or bending, either during the process of engraving or later on. Laser engraving is also considered to be environmentally friendly. And this is also more precise in its placements and is better served in engraved engagement rings with many side stones.
Direct Casting
In this approach, the engraving designs are directly etched into the destining mould of the ring. So the engraving seems to be built into the ring itself. A seemingly more permanent option, whose quality depends on the machinery of the jeweller. A good option is a jeweller who is able to deliver good bespoke options, the more the better, especially if it is carried out in-house. Bear in mind that his approach-the engraving on the ring-could is eroded by extensive polishing, and could affect the strength of the metal band of the ring.
Machine Engraving
Some designers may use special machines which are able to carry out engravings with aid of a diamond tip. However, their capabilities are limited in contrast to laser engraving methods. And those in search of quality engraving should look for a jeweller who also has the above capabilities. I hope these tips help to ensure that things go well. However, if wish to learn more about custom jewellery designs and other relevant factors, consider our Education pages for more on this subject. Having considered these factors, you are better prepared to get your engagement ring engraving to turn outright.
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