Emerald: The Top Green Gemstone in the World

Emerald Ring

If you are asked to think of the colour green and for it to be something precious, durable, shiny and rare in mind: then it is quite likely that special something is an emerald. Which is the subject of our attention today.

Emeralds are the top green gemstone in the world. They rank among the best gemstones ever and make up the top four gemstones in the globe. And yes, they are the most recognisable green-coloured gem, that has been in use for centuries.

On this Education page, we will learn about the origins, a bit of history, and the enduring popularity of emeralds. And provide important information for those considering an emerald gem, or are on the fence about opting for this famous green gemstone.

What is an Emerald?

OK. So let’s start with the fundamentals. What makes a stone an emerald? This is an important question since the mineralogical character of gems is often overlooked by many, who are captivated by the flashier aspects. The type of mineral in question greatly affects the character of the gem, in terms of durability, distinct hues, and other exotic colour effects that set certain apart from others.

Emeralds are a gemstone that comes in the Beryl family of minerals. It is identified by its chemical formula: Be3Al2(SiO3)6. And it is distinguished by its distinct green colour. However, there is more to emeralds, other than the fact they have these core elements. Since there are a number green coloured gemstones in the world, including those in the beryllium family.

The first thing to consider when it comes to emeralds apart from other green gemstones is their mineral character. Emeralds, understood correctly are chrome-rich gems, which are made of an aluminium-beryllium silicate combination. The factor is the colour contributing factors. Emeralds, like other top gemstones in the world, derive their colour from the presence of trace minerals. In the case of emeralds, as noted chromium is a key factor, however so is vanadium.

There is some debate among experts, as to the need for chromium to be necessarily present for it to be identified as an authentic emerald. There is some merit to this argument as there are other prominent gemstones that only come in the beryl family of gems (notably Aquamarines) and even more interestingly the less-known green beryl. We will get into some of these differences later on. Now we shall look at the top emerald sources.

Emerald Gemstone Features

Countries of Origin

Colombia, Brazil Russia and Zambia


7.5 – 8 Mohs scale

Refraction Index



Rarer than Colourless Diamonds and Sapphires


Variable – High 100s to 1000s of Dollars

Famous Emeralds

Teodora - 57, 000 + carats. Chalk Emerald – Cut Stone 37.8 carats)


Emerald Countries of Origin

Emeralds are among the rarest gemstones in the world. So much so that natural emeralds are rare to come by than diamonds, and even rarer than sapphires, which by the way is rarer than famous carbon-based gemstones. A key consideration when it comes to emeralds is that it is only sourced from a handful of countries in the world. Many of the concentrated in South America.

The most notable source of emeralds, and more broadly, beryllium gemstones in general are the nations of Colombia and Brazil. There is some debate on which nation’s emeralds are the best; as the famous green gemstone varies in character not only with respect to each individual gemstone but also varies at a collective level, based on the country or region it is from.

Colombian emeralds are generally considered the best in the business: with gemstones that feature rich green hues, with a nice mixture of light yellow, and bluish tones mixed in. The main value proposition for emeralds is a rich green hue which is set apart by the uniformity of the colour green throughout the stone.

Brazil is the next major emerald supplier. Being a leader in beryllium-based gemstones, it has a solid reputation for supplying top-quality emeralds. What sets apart Brazilian emeralds is their lighter tone, which features more prominently, in addition to their slightly yellowish tinge, which is sometimes preferred by certain emerald buyers. However, it is the light bluish tone and more intense greens of the Colombian emerald that sets it apart from the rest.

Emerald Crystal

Emerald Gemstone Quality Factors

When it comes to picking a top-class gemstone, there are a number of factors buyers will have to pay attention to. In the world of diamonds, these quality criteria are well established. With the accredited 4Cs of diamonds quality standards allow potential buyers to measure the quality of the select stone according to its carat, cut, clarity and colour. When it comes to emeralds, and indeed all other top-coloured gemstones, the standard of measure is more confusing.

For a start, it is important to note that the basic principles of gemstone quality that the 4Cs consider are broadly applicable to other gemstones, with the notable exception of colour. As in emeralds, unlike (colourless) diamonds, the main qualifying factor is the presence of the green hue. With higher levels corresponding to the greater quality of the stone. So that is point one when it comes to determining emerald gemstone quality: Does it feature a prominent green hue, and is it spread throughout the stone?

The main principle when it comes to measuring quality in all gemstones is clarity. The clarity standard applies to emeralds as well. As the lack of clarity, which is caused by the presence of inclusions, which vary in terms of type, number and extent affects the ability of the stone to interact with light. Since colour in a gemstone is a function of how light waves interact with materials present in the stone, the presence of inclusions in the form of slight breaks, internal cracks, or other secondary minerals affects the inner transparency of the stone, generating inconsistencies.

Another simple but always accurate way to determine an emerald’s quality is to inquire about its country of origin. Countries such as Brazil and Colombia have reputation for producing top-quality stones and are a good sources. Other new entrants like Zambia which also produce top quality stones, may turn out to be a mixed bad. Whereas Russian emeralds are increasingly difficult to come by.

Buying a Top Quality Emerald Gemstone

Right now that we have outlined the main emerald quality factors, as a potential gemstone buyer you might be wondering what kind of emerald should I go for, either an individual gemstone or as a part of a special engagement ring.

As a starting point all of the above factors: from the country of origin, the intensity of the green colour, the preference for a light bluish tone and the lack of inclusions must be considered. However, what is also worth noting is that emeralds are not the most durable of gemstones. 

Unlike diamonds which score a solid 10.0 on the Mohs scale for hardness or sapphires and rubies which feature a solid 9.0 on the same scale, emeralds only manage a durability rating of 7.5 – 8. Whilst still a respectable number, the difference is still significant, as it makes the emerald stone more likely to break or chip. This is a key consideration for it means that the presence of inclusions in the stone is less forgivable in contrast to diamonds or corundum-based gemstones.

And when picking an emerald, say for your engagement ring, always make it a point to request a gemology report: with the key details of the gemstone’s country of origin, clarity etc.

Emerald Gemstones

Why Emerald is the Top Green Gemstone?

Emeralds are not the only prominent green gemstone in the world. The market for green gemstones, building on the popularity of colour gems, has seen an influx of new stones. Notably, we have green sapphires, green garnets and green diamonds. Whilst green diamonds hold a niche position as a top-class gemstone they are immensely rare and command huge prices. Green garnets are less well-known and are not viewed as premium choices. And green sapphires are only now making their way into the market. Making emeralds the go-to choice for top green gemstones.