Staying Healthy with Style

Wearable devices in a nutshell

Wearable devices are intelligent electronic devices. The key components of these devices are various sensors capable of measuring different bodily functions such as the heart rate, body temperature etc. And then they have some sort of storage mechanism to store the data inside the device. The next vital ability of a wearable device is communication. The device should be able to communicate with other devices such as your mobile phone or your computer so that regularly the device can send the data stored in the device so that it can free some space. Last but not least, for everything to work, the wearable needs a power source, usually a rechargeable battery and a charging mechanism.

The data you collect today will be vital for your health tomorrow!

The future of medical diagnosis will be very sophisticated due to our ability to collect and process a vast amount of data across a very large population. For example, big data technologies and statistical methods will be able to predict the risk of getting a particular disease based on the very minuscule variations of bodily functions measured over a long period of time. This is possible by comparing an individual's data against anonymised data from hundreds of thousands of other individuals of the same demographics. Thus, the more historical data you have on your body will give you an edge in living a longer healthier life.

Actionable data for achieving your goals

Data collected by your wearable device would not be of any use unless you can make decisions based on them. Accompanying mobile phone apps and desktop applications can visualise the data so that you can have a detailed insight into your data. You can track your progress towards a goal or you can maintain your activity levels healthy.

Tracking, Guiding, Alarming,... and the list getting bigger

Wearables are not just for tracking. Some activity trackers can help you to perform guided exercises and guided meditation. And they can alert you when your body is experiencing abnormalities which need your attention. For example, you might need to perform a few minutes of guided meditation if the tracker alerts you to an abnormal heart rate.

Think about a group performance scenario. Group of dancers, sports team, or solders on the battlefield can take synchronous collective actions based on predesigned

They can come in many forms

With the advancement of technology, the size of each component of these devices is getting smaller, energy-efficient, and more powerful. Thus, it is not necessary for these devices to retain the tech and geeky look and feel any more. Wearable devices can take many forms. It could be your t-shirt, your shoes, or your jewellery. In the future, we will be able to make these items tech-enabled without putting any additional weight or make them out of shape. Since we are not there yet, your smart jewellery still can appear little bulky or geeky. However, they are getting better and better every year.

Smart Jewellery
We would love to see your earrings vibrates when you get a call or your ring get tighten to warn you that your stress level is high. However, until such technologies available, we decided to introduce complementary jewellery for popular wearable devices. One great example is our Fitbit bracelet. You can use this bracelet with Fitbit Flex 2 activity tracker. This bracelet will turn your device into a luxury fine jewellery piece.

We continue our efforts in designing and developing complementary jewellery for wearable products. We are planning to work closely with tech companies to collectively design next-generation tech-enabled jewellery aka smart jewellery.

Rafael Green

Daniel Farrell

Daniel is a devoted health advocate and he is an expert in the area of trending fitness jewellery like smart bracelets and smart rings.

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