How to clean your engagement ring at home

Don't we all love that mesmerizing sparkle of a diamond ring? Here's how you can clean that bling at home by yourself.

Everyday wear of engagement rings can build up layers of oil, dust and cosmetic residue. This can cause your ring to look less shiny and dull. Also, it can become a breeding place for bacteria. Not getting your ring properly cleaned can cause skin irritation, discolouration of the metal and scratches on the stone. This is why knowing how to clean your engagement ring comes in handy.

Here's the best recipe for a good at-home cleanup for your ring. Dishwashing soap is one of the best cleaners that you can find for your ring. Shampoo or body wash can also be used but should be without added moisturizer. Presence of moisturizer can leave an unwanted film on your ring. You'll also need a bowl of warm water, a brush with soft bristles (a toothbrush can do wonders) and a soft cotton cloth.

Always stay clear from harsh cleaners like sanitizers, bleach, chlorine, acetone, etc. These cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can damage your ring. Also, prevent from using abrasive products like toothpaste and baking soda which can scratch the metal and the gemstone of your ring.

First, make a solution with warm water and dishwashing soap. Soak your ring for about 30 minutes in the soap solution and clean gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Once the dust and residue have been removed rinse the ring under warm water. Once your engagement ring is clean you can now wipe it with a soft cloth or let it air dry. Always avoid wiping your ring with paper towels as it can scratch the metal and the gemstone.

It is good to visit a professional jewellery cleaner once or twice a year. Professional jewellery cleaners have expert knowledge about jewellery cleaning. They use professional products and equipment to clean your ring. Cleaning your ring once a week at home is recommended. Cleaning once a week will help remove the daily oil and other buildups. Don't have time for a weekly cleanup? Take off your ring during activities that might damage or dirty it. This can reduce the frequency of cleaning required.

Don't use ultrasonic jewellery cleaners at home. They work by sending vibrations through the water and the cleaning solution. This creates powerful waves that can remove the dirt and debris easily. But this vigorous movement can cause the gemstones to loosen and fall off the ring. When a professional jewellery cleaner uses an ultrasonic cleaner they will test the stones to see if they are loose and will secure them to the spot.

When getting your ring cleaned professionally always try to get it cleaned from the jewellery shop you bought it. They can have a better understanding of your piece of jewellery and what type of cleaning it needs. If you are going to a different jewellery shop talk to the jeweller who will be cleaning your engagement ring. Make sure that he is familiar with cleaning similar types of jewellery.

Rafael Green

Heshi Dan

Heshi Dan is a fashion blogger and designer who also works as a freelance writer and graphic designer

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