What Makes the Tension Set Engagement Ring Setting Unique?

Modern and unique. The two words that come to mind when one speaks of the tension engagement ring. And if the buyer is intent on getting hold of a ring design that captures these sentiments then in a single precious piece of fine jewellery, then you need a little invitation to opt for it.

However, if you, like many others who are in the market for a fine engagement ring, or someone who just happens to be curious to know more about them, you will no doubt have a set of questions on what they are. What makes them unique? And is this ring design worthy of consideration? Questions which we will proceed to answer on this Education page.

What is a Tension Set Engagement Ring?

Among the more modern styles to have entered the market for engagement rings and is one that has captured the interest of many ring buyers. What sets the tension set engagement ring apart is of course the setting.

The tension set involves the distinct placement of the main or centre stone, which is held together by the pressure exerted by the two sides of the crown. Unlike in more conventional ring settings where the centre stone is held by prongs, or another variation of the crown, such as bezels, the tension setting features a unique pressure hold that relies on ‘tension’. The force that holds the gemstone in place sometimes referred to as tensile force, exerts a certain pressure, that when applied on both sides, is able to hold the gemstone in place.

Similar to a pressure hold, where the item is held in place by equally applied pressure on both sides, which is then able to keep the item upheld in mid-air, producing a floating effect. Where the diamond, presuming that it is the centre stone of choice, appears suspended between the ends of a gold or platinum band. Producing a truly novel effect.

Types of Tension Settings

True to its style and character the tension setting is a relatively new addition to the world of fine jewellery. The origin of this ring setting goes back to the 1970s when German engineers developed the concept for this ring design. And it gained some traction. But given the limitations of the time it did not fully take off.

Over the years as technology advanced the sophistication of the tension setting also changed in accordance. With better-fit tension settings, along with a variety of new designs that build upon the tension concept entering the market, and driving its popularity.

Today tension set rings come in a variety of styles, from minimal to maximal in look: the latter, in addition to the main centre stone that is held via the pressure, also features additional side or accent stones along the band of the ring producing a novel look. In addition, newer tension set rings come in various styles that appear to connect with the centre stone in a wrap-around fashion, or by producing a sleek snake-like connection.

In other words, if you are going for a top-tension set engagement ring, you are not without solid options. Among the more notable additions are the split shank tension set rings. Which true to its name features a two-headed snake-like split at the parts where the metal meets the gemstone; creating a catchy look. That is not for everyone. But stylistic nonetheless.

So with all of these options out there for tension-set engagement rings, the question is it suitable for your tastes?

Why Opt for Tension Setting Ring?

This is an easy question to answer if you know what you are looking for. However, if you are on the fence about going for a novel ring setting you may need more convincing. The first major point when it comes to tension set engagement ring is its novel style. Which have already briefly mentioned. But better than describing it is best that potential ring buyers take a good look at tension set engagement ring rings, and importantly, if you are going to make a purchase, actually wear one and test it for yourself.

This is important. Since engagement rings which are meant to last a lifetime, are not a simple purchase. For it is not only about the visual style and overall look of the ring and how much a person may visually connect with it. The elements of comfort and fit one ought to feel when wearing a precious jewel are important considerations.

And speaking of comfort and wearability there is also the element of security, since the tension set ring is a unique proposition, there are additional considerations for potential buyers. Depending on lifestyle and career type. This takes us to the next main point.

How Safe and Secure is a Tension Set Engagement Ring?

The first point to consider when it comes to this factor regarding the security and stability of the tension setting ring in question is the jewellery company that is producing the ring in question. It must be noted that the tension setting is the result of a highly technical production process. One that goes beyond merely holding a gemstone in place via the tension generated by two ends of the bands.

For the gemstone of varying carats must hold firm, and it must do under various levels of pressure, in addition to withstanding knocks and unexpected blows. Managing this is easier said than done. Whilst there are a lot of jewellery companies out there, some of them claim to specialise in bridal jewellery like engagement rings, managing a top quality tension setting ring that is able to meet the durability and endurance standards that is a requirement for long-term use.

Next, even if you do manage to get hold of a reputable jewellery company that has the skill to produce a top-quality engagement ring with a tension setting it is still an interesting option. And here it must be stated that tension is not the most secure option. At least in contrast to traditional solitaire rings, or engagement rings with bezel settings.

The tension-set gemstone is not the most secure. And depending on your lifestyle, and character of the use: such as wearing the engagement ring all the time, or the use of the engagement ring when dealing with metals, and other implements can increase the chances, if you get very unlucky, to know the centre stone from its place. This need not be the case if you exercise caution, and in fact, this is a problem that affects most engagement ring settings. But with tension-set engagement rings you need to exercise greater caution.

Factors to Consider when Buying a Tension Set Engagement Ring

A point that recurs when it comes to buying such a novel ring setting is applicability. Is this ring setting the right choice for you? One important consideration when it comes to buying is customisation, particularly the chance to make changes prior to making the final purchase. 

Whilst resizing adjustments can always be made, when it comes to tension set engagement rings these can be especially problematic. As altering any part of the metal band, shank or crown will have an effect on the tension that keeps the main gemstone in place.

On the positive side, tension set engagement rings require relatively less when it comes to maintenance. Provide the craftsmanship of the ring is solid, the suspended position of the main gemstone means there is little room for dust collection and other impurities. In addition to showcasing the choice of gemstone in full view.

When it comes to tension set rings, one predominant feature is the thickness of the shoulders (upper part of the metal band) that keep the gemstone in place. Since tension set rings dispenses with heads and prongs, this part of the ring often is large in size, which is to accommodate the centre stone by generating that pressure.

All in all tension set rings are truly the modern design choice for engagement rings: they are elegant, sleek and intriguing. A great choice for modern consumer.