Cluster Engagement Ring

Choosing a Cluster Engagement Ring
The cluster engagement ring is among the more complex engagement ring style, as the levels for potential change and modification are numerous. Cluster engagement rings are defined by the inclusion of a number of gemstones that vary in size, cut, and position. Cluster engagement rings differ in terms of the number of gemstones, with a minimum of three or more. The key characteristic of cluster engagement rings is the clustering of gemstones of various sizes in a way to create new looks that differ widely in terms of available options in the fine jewellery market. In this post, we will outline the main factors you need to consider when choosing a cluster engagement ring.
Factors to Consider when Choosing a Cluster Engagement Ring
The appeal of cluster engagement rings lies in the opportunities for modification when making custom rings. and the range of choices that exist in pre-made rings. The cluster setting gives jewellers to make specific additions to the ring style: from the placement of smaller diamonds, which can be set closely together to resemble a larger diamond. Or relatively larger diamonds can be placed side by side to create a dual gemstone effect, to other numerous setting types that the customer can come up with if they want to go for a more customized option. So when it comes to choosing a cluster engagement ring, you must that they contain a large centre stone that can be found around the stone; or a group of smaller stones of equal size can be set in artful ways to help create the effect of a larger centre stone. In addition to the stone settings, cluster engagement rings also give the option to combine a variety of gemstones in a single ring. With the diamond as a centre stone, set within a wider cluster of smaller side stones that can combine a distinct effect.
Available at Competitive Prices
Cluster diamond rings feature smaller diamonds placed next to each other, whereas solitaire rings feature a large centre stone. Whilst other ring types like solitaire rings are more popular for engagement rings than cluster rings. Some choose a cluster engagement ring for a unique look. In most cases, cluster rings are less expensive than solitaire rings because they don’t feature as large of a diamond. As with any ring, the price depends on the diamond quality, carat weight and precious metal. Offers a unique look full of dimension and texture, and the style ring can help create the appearance of a larger centre stone, despite not being able to pay a higher price for a larger centre stone.
Complement those with Different Size of Fingers
One of the strengths of the cluster engagement rings is that the sheer number of rings settings that it brings to the table helps generate a number of different stylistic variants that complement those with different finger sizes. One of the key factors when it comes to purchasing an engagement ring is to ensure that gemstone(s) do not generate mismatches with the size and shape of your fingers. Cluster engagement rings are a good option in this regard, as they provide the option to go for varying sizes of gemstone combinations and varying carats, and gemstone placements that can be made to suit the shape of the wearer’s finger.

Choosing a Cluster Engagement Ring
Popular Types of Cluster Engagement Rings
Cluster engagement rings tend to vary in terms of the cluster settings and the additional feature the jeweller may introduce to the cut or shape of the gemstone. A round or princess centre stone enveloped by the glitter of Asscher cut stones will provide that contrasting effect. Or one could go with a more simple halo cluster engagement ring, with a larger centre stone and a cluster of shining stones around it. On the other hand, the more experimental might wish to choose a cluster engagement ring where the entirety of the ‘centre stone’ is actually made up of smaller, or rather tiny gemstones. Small diamonds or white sapphires help make up the shape of a solitaire stone. One of the most popular cluster engagement rings in the world is none other than Princess Diana’s famed engagement ring, where the main blue sapphire is circled by a ring of glittering diamonds. Whilst some might say that a halo styled cluster ring is just a halo ring, the cluster element of small gemstones says otherwise. Then there are options to expand the cluster of stone along with the band of the engagement ring itself which is worth considering when choosing a cluster engagement ring.
Diamond Cluster Engagement Rings
When it comes to picking a top cluster diamond engagement ring, the diamonds stand out the most from the rest. They are valued for their beauty, durability, rarity and colour. Diamond cluster rings hold the top potion when it comes to the cluster engagement ring style, but their price, depending on the size of the ring may drive people towards cheaper options, or with a smaller diamond stone. Here the diamond cluster ring provides that elusive middle ground. Providing the buyer with the chance to own a cheaper engagement ring style, but one that still retains its higher value in terms of look and character. As the clustering of the smaller gemstones around the centre stone, using smaller stones to make up the centre stone can help produce a more luxurious effect. However diamonds need not be the only stone of your choice, for in a cluster engagement ring setting, the diamond whilst holding the centre of attention can be supported by a cluster of smaller gemstones: with sapphires, rubies and even emeralds, in addition to a variety of semi-precious stones that can take up the space to help accentuate its position.
Build Your Own Cluster Engagement Ring
One of the most popular trends in the world of engagement rings is the rising popularity of ring customisation. From the gemstone type, size and position, to the various band styles, and importantly when it comes to cluster engagement rings, the number of gemstones that can be placed on a ring. In this time cluster engagement rings can take on countless forms, which can be based on a number of current or inspired designs. Those that can be more traditional in character, but also ring styles which can work past conventional gemstone styles. Combining various gemstones, notably those with a different but complementary colour, is one of the more popular ring trends today, so with this information, we hope you will find it easy when choosing a cluster engagement ring.