Differences between High Set Engagement Rings and Low Set Engagement Rings

High set engagement ring shocasing a solitire centre diamond

When it comes to the pros and cons of low set engagement rings and high set engagement ring settings, much of it comes down to the preference of the buyer and the kind of stylistic edge they wish to showcase with respect to the setting of their engagement ring. Points which we shall cover in this Education page.

What Defines a High Set Engagement Ring?

When discussing the subject of high and low set engagement rings the focus traditionally shifts to their visual character: that is how a low vs a high set ring looks when viewed from whatever angle. This is fine. However, what is often lacking in many of these blogs and other sources that engage the subject is what makes an engagement ring a high or low set in terms of how it has been made.

What defines a high set or high profile engagement ring is the structure of the shoulder is designed in a way that allows the head and the gallery that is attached to the centre stone to rise a level or two higher. In an almost artificial way where the centre stone sits in an elevated position. Made possible by the noticeable gap that exists between the top part of the gemstone and its culet.

Much of the visual character of the high set ring is determined by the underlying setting: which is to say on the visual character of the ring style is determined by the way the centre and sides if there are any are held in place. Such as the cathedral setting, trellis setting and the popular prong setting.

The differences between these ring styles in terms of how they feature in the high or low set ring will be discussed when we engage the pros and cons of the two. For now, let us move to the next section.

Advantages of Low Set Engagement Rings

When it comes to the choice of low-profile ring setting the point that is often extolled by ring designers is its relatively greater security. Engagement rings are delicate but sturdy materials That depending on the ring style and the nature of use can be more or less prone to breaks and chips, in worst cases, where gemstones, notably the main gemstone simply fall off.

Ring designers do their best to ensure that these outcomes are minimised but they are not guaranteed. When it comes to ring setting low profile rings in relation to their high-profile counterparts are considered a great option in terms of security. The lower profile provides better protection against unsuspecting knocks or trapping with other materials like wires and clothes, which a higher elevated centre stone in a high set ring might be at risk of. Whilst it is not a guarantee that this will not happen the risk is notably lower.

Another point that is often touted as a strength of low-profile ring settings is that they are supposed to be more comfortable to wear. This is a subjective point, as the comfort that a low-profile setting is supposed to provide will depend on a host of factors: such as the specific placement of gemstones, the number of side stones, the thickness of the ring band etc.

What we can say however is that low profile setting will give the wearer greater psychological comfort when it comes to day-to-day usage. As the chances of having your engagement snagged on fabrics, or other materials will be lesser. In addition, the low profile range can actually be a standout option, as it is a relatively rarer option among the top fine jewellery sellers.

Disadvantages of Low Set Engagement Rings

The main con so to speak when it comes to profile ring setting is the lowered visibility of the centre stone, and if there are other side stones, then their visibility in relation to the level of elevation will also be lower. Now, this may be a disadvantage purely from the standpoint of the ring-wearer. For some a lower, and by extension less visible profile may actually be more suitable. The principle that less is more may work for some.

Another possible argument against low set engagement ring settings is that they tend to have trouble accommodating larger-carat diamondsand other gemstones. This is a technical point that greatly depends on the ring designer and the skill of their craftsmanship. For it cannot be said that low profile ring setting necessarily cannot accommodate a larger carat stone.

In fact, depending on the ring style in terms of how the head of the ring is designed can potentially feature a larger gemstone. However, there still exists the question of visibility. Which is generally lower in low set settings. This is partly a function of the kind of ring styles that get selected for low set engagement ring settings which we shall see later.

A valid concern when it comes to low set engagement ring settings is the placement of wedding rings. This is where the wedding ring, which generally sits alongside the engagement ring, and in the case of a low profile setting, the space that is permitted in the high setting is notably absent. Thus depending on the ring style, the placement of the wedding ring sitting close together may not be possible.

Halo and cluster designs are often low profile settings

Advantages of High set Engagement Rings

When it comes to the pros of high set engagement ring setting one can essentially reverse the disadvantage of the low profile ones. But there are some unique advantages that the high profile setting brings.

Among them are the greater visibility, which besides appearing larger on the band surface, also appears more prominent. Which is not the same thing. You see when a person wears an engagement ring on hand it is viewed from multiple angles. In the case of the high profile setting the particular presentation of the main gemstone makes it more visible from the side, not only in an elevated fashion but, depending on the way the gemstone is mounted, more of the physical stone to the viewer.

Thus those who wish to showcase their lovely round brilliant cut diamond ring might want to opt for a high profile setting to display its brilliance in all of its glory. It is the same with coloured gemstones. Those who wish to showcase the rich hues of their gemstone of choice can opt for a high set engagment ring setting. This provided it is placed in the more visible prong setting will make it a standout option.

A logical extension of the stone’s higher visible presence is its greater exposure to light. Which naturally enhances the stone’s light-reflective qualities. Making the gemstone on your engagement ring glows brighter as opposed to a low profile ring.

A notable advantage of the high profile setting is that it has an easier time pairing with your choice of a wedding ring. Given the higher elevation of shoulders and crown area, gives the wedding ring to nicely sit in that space. This is important in cases where the wedding ring features a number of additional features like band stones and complex shank designs.

Disadvantages of High set Engagement Rings

Once again the strengths of the low profile setting will feature in reverse in this style. In high set engagement rings setting the main gemstone have a higher risk of getting knocked and chipped which increases the chances of breaks or in some cases for the main gemstone to being knocked right off.

Those who are in the habit of or wish to wear their engagement ring all the time, maybe not be advisable to opt for a high profile setting. Simply because the chances of the main gemstone being subject to hits is higher. And generally, high set engagement r rings are less secure when it comes to the placement of the main gemstone.

Following on this point, those who work outdoors or with metal implements and machinery are also advised not to opt for the high profile setting for the above reasons. Greater exposure increases the chances of knocks and breaks.

A high-set solitaire engagement ring

Ring Designs for High and Low Set Engagement Ring Setting

Now there isn’t an agreed consensus when it comes to what type of ring styles are adopted by either setting but there is some agreement that ring styles that opt for high settings tend to stick to prongs, trellis and cathedral styles. Whereas the low profile involves bezel settings and other ring styles that are more conducive to this setting. Of course, this is entirely style dependent and the choice of the fine jewellery company.