Engagement Ring Channel Setting Explained

chennel set wedding band

The world of fine jewellery is an arena where design and artistry dominate. As top jewellery companies, emerging designers, and those looking to introduce new stylistic innovations see modern engagement rings as a design choice to showcase their abilities. One such emerging design is the Channel setting.

On this Education page, we will what a Channel setting is. Its main features, and is it an engagement ring design that is worthy of your consideration in a marketplace that is now filled with competing styles. As some of you our maybe new to the subject of ring settings and engagement rings in general, we shall begin by outlining some key features of engagement rings and work our way towards the setting in question.

Understanding the Parts of an Engagement Ring

Engagement rings are simple but also complex items that are the result of careful craftsmanship that combines top precious metals like gold, and platinum with a top-class gemstone: usually diamonds, sapphires, rubies or emeralds. The combination of these elements into a single cohesive structure that can sit firmly but comfortably on the ring finger, in a way that showcases the glow and/or colour of the gemstone(s) and ring style is the main aim of the jewellery designer.

However, the world we live in today is vast. With tens if not hundreds of millions of fine jewellery customers in the market for an engagement rings, who come with varying tastes and preferences, fine jewellery designers are driven to come up with innovative designs. This is what partly led to the growth in engagement ring settings: with an array of innovation coming through at various parts of the engagement ring. From the band style to the number of bands in split shank rings, to the position of gemstones etc.

The channel setting follows in this long line of stylistic innovations when it comes to gemstone placements in engagements. This can vary from the main stone or centre stone: such as solitaire or multi-stone rings, or the accent stones. With the focus being on the unique placement of the gemstones within the band of the ring. When it comes to the channel set engagement rings, the focus is on the distinct placement of the accent stones.

What is a Channel Setting?

The channel setting involves the placement of accent stones, which are technically side stones, but in fact are the much smaller, often tiny gems that are placed as a decorative addition to engagement. So unlike the side stones, which are smaller than the centre stone but much larger than the tiny gems, which are usually diamond simulants or diamond alternatives (though actual diamonds also feature in this category) that make up the accent stone range.

When it comes to the Channel setting we have a unique position of the gemstone on the band of the ring. Where the accent stones are placed along the shank of the ring, just below the centre stone, or side stones, if they are present.

The key distinction with the channel setting is the manner in which the accent stones are placed: Where they are securely placed within the metal band itself, in an area that is effectively carved into the body of the band and is shaped in a way to accommodate the gemstones. Thus Channel set engagement rings to differ from pave set rings in that the gemstones are not placed outside, or on prongs. The firm enclosure in which the gemstones are placed is a mark of stability making them a secure option for those concerned about chipping or breaks of accent stones.

As a possible down side, Channel set rings feature lower visibility in contrast to the pave settings. This is fine, as the enclosed position of the gemstones is actually a stylistic variant that people choose for its sake, so it is not just about the visibility of the gemstone.

Development of Channel Setting

Some of you at this point might be wondering ‘why haven’t I heard of this ring setting before’. Well actually you may have. Whilst the concept of Channel setting is a relatively new addition, that took during the 90s and was mainly limited to the world of wedding rings and later eternity rings. Their popularity was partly a function of the stylistic simplicity and the greater security it provides for the stones that are placed along the band.

For those who are familiar with eternity rings would know that gemstones that are placed all the band are characteraretics of this ring style. However this stylistic feature soon caught on with wedding bands as well. Modern wedding rings feature an array of gemstone settings, which feature smaller stones in comparison to those found in engagement rings. However the use of accent stones, particularly in greater numbers also became a trend in engagement rings, with ring designers as noted, viewing this as new design innovation.

In the world of engagement rings and fine jewellery in general there is an unwritten principle: ‘Of more the better. Having a higher number of gemstones in a single ring makes the jewel visually striking and more valuable in the eyes of the wearer. With Channel set engagement rings this point holds true, but in a somewhat different way. For whilst Channel setting rings do qualify as multi-stone rings, they are simplistic in their own right. This might sound confusing. This takes us to the study of the stylistic philosophy of the engagement ring.

The Design Philosophy of the Channel Setting

When it comes to picking a top-quality engagement ring, the buyer tends to limit his/her focus to a number of set variables: the metal colour, the gemstone type, the style of the band or simply the price. Another more interesting but subjective consideration is the kind of philosophy that you connect with and how translates into the kind of ring design that you choose. This brings us to the topic of minimalism and maximalism.

If you are new to these terms, that is totally understandable. We explored these concepts and how they relate to the kind of fine jewellery like engagement rings in dedicated Education pages. Essentially the minimalism and maximalism differer with respect to the stylistic emphasis: with minimalist school focusing on simplicity, clarity and to some extent affordably. 

Though the latter point is not necessarily a factor: as minimalist engagement rings with larger centre stone can command considerable prices. Maximalism is all about show and extravagance. It is not so much about style than about symbolism and sending a message about the ring and wearer.

Channel set engagement rings falls into the minimalist design philosophy. Where the ring setting places emphasis on compactness, accessibility and stability. The Channel setting which limits the number and size of accent stones that are used. Unlike pave set rings, where the number of accent stones will often be higher. 

The Channel set places constraints on the number and also the position of the gemstones, which has to be accommodated by the changes to the metal band as well. But this does not mean that Channel set rings is just a spartan alternative to fancier settings. Quite the contrary. Which takes to the process of buying a Channel set engagement ring.

Buying a Channel Setting Engagement Ring

Minimal but not cheap. Solid but secure. Those are expressions one can use to describe a Channel set engagement ring. And when if this what you expect from your choice of engagement ring then the Channel set might be for you. However, this does not mean that other aspects of the ring design can be ignored. The basics of the 4Cs for diamonds, and the authenticity of naturally sourced gemstones all hold.

As noted minimalism as a design philosophy does equal cheap. Minimalism is about narrowing down the focus to the key elements of the ring. And at the same time, this important part, emphasising those core elements. In Channel setting the engagement rings the design features a strong presence with a centre stone and accent stone that are set within the channel or rail as it is sometimes known to be a powerful presence. 

Next, when picking an engagement ring in the Channel set style, it might be wise to go for the ring that features a bezel set setting for the centre stone, for the two creates great complementarity of style.

Another interesting consideration is how the Channel setting opens the door to new modifications. As the gemstones that are placed inside are determined by the shape of the Channel: hence the gemstones that are tucked inside come to reflect its outward shape.