A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Pink Sapphire Gemstones

Pink sapphires are among the most recognizable gemstones in the sapphire range, and with their growing popularity in the world of fine jewellery, they are among the top coloured gemstones in the world of fine jewellery.

When it comes to pink sapphires there is a tendency to get carried away by the captivating pink hues and with good reason. But there a lot more to the pink corundum stone, which makes them a great choice as individual gemstones and for fine jewellery such as pink sapphire engagement rings. In this post, we will present a comprehensive guide to natural pink sapphires so you don’t have to look anywhere else.

What are Pink Sapphires?

The world of sapphires is a vast one. With corundum stones come in an array of hues and a countless variety of tones. And the pink sapphire is one of the most notable. When it comes to pink sapphires it is important to note that mineralogically speaking they are in every single way a natural sapphire. Just like any other corundum variant, including the famous blue sapphire. What sets apart the pink sapphire from the famous blue and other sapphire types is the mineral character of the stone.

All sapphires consist of aluminum oxide (Al2O3), meaning the core structure and composition of the gem remains the same. The notable difference lies in the color, which is a function of trace minerals. The presence of trace minerals like iron and titanium gives corundum stones their wonderful colors. In the case of pink sapphires, the key trace mineral is chromium. Though only in relatively small amounts. Too much of chromium in a corundum crystal will turn the stone into a ruby!

Pink Sapphire Countries of Origin

When it comes to pink sapphires there is a bit of confusion on their rarity and value. As buyers tend to associate higher value and prestige with the famous blue sapphire. Whilst this point is principally true, that the blue variant in the corundum family continues to hold a dominant lead, pink sapphires over the years have made great strides. This is due to a number of key reasons.

First, pink sapphires were for a long time considered to be incredibly rare. Whilst pink sapphires and sapphires, in general, remain rare gemstones (natural sapphires being rarer than diamonds), the discovery of new pink sapphire deposits started to have an effect on the market for these gemstones. Today pink sapphires are sourced from a number of sapphires and gem-producing nations. With the leading sapphire-sourcing nations such as Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Myanmar, and a number of East African nations, notably Madagascar leading the way.

In other words, when it comes to the supply of pink sapphire stones, there isn’t much of a bottleneck. However, when it comes to sourcing top-quality pink sapphire with rich colors things may prove to be challenging. This is true for pink sapphire engagement ring buyers who are in the market for a gemstone with rich hues. Whilst pink sapphires are a relatively significant percentage of most top jewellery inventories not everyone can showcase a wide variety of pink hues.

Types of Pink Sapphire Gemstones

This is where things get interesting. Whilst the idea of what makes up a pink sapphire stone may seem straightforward. That is to feature a pink hue, however, if one looks through the wide array of pink sapphire gemstones in the market a number of variants stand out. They are greatly valued in terms of buyer perception and price.

When it comes to pink sapphire gemstones, like any sapphire variety, colour is king. The greater the vibrancy of the gemstone’s hue the better it is valued. Notable here are pink sapphires that feature a rich magenta-like hue that with good cutting and polishing features a rich glow. One of the more interesting pink sapphires is the lighter version of the deeper red corundum stones, which are similar to rubies, but contains a slight tone, that is likely due to the presence of other trace elements in slight amounts that makes it different from the ruby. Nonetheless, these deep pink sapphires are highly sought after and make a top choice for those seeking a good quality pink sapphire ring.

Then we have lighter pink sapphire stones, which are closer in tone to those of pink roses, the lighter variants. These shades vary greatly and the choices are varied for those willing to shop around for a pink sapphire gemstone of their choice.

Among the rarest and most expensive pink sapphire types is the Padparadscha sapphire. The lotus bloom-coloured sapphire features a rare combination of pink with shades of orange and even yellow. Considered to be one of the rarest gemstones in the world and is one of the most premium gemstone options for those seeking a top-quality pink sapphire ring Australia. If you are interested, we specialise in proving authentic sapphires, with an inventory of the rare Padparadscha sapphire.

The Symbolism of Pink Sapphires

A key consideration when it comes to buying fine jewellery, one that is often overlooked is the deeper meaning and significance that is attached to it. With pink sapphires, it is interesting because the point focus is obviously the colour. Pink as a hue has historically been associated with romance, feminity and even beauty. In modern times pink as a colour is recognized and valued in a wide variety of cultural and social settings. In the West, as noted pink and its related hue ‘rose’ are recognised for their beauty and femininity, in other cultures of the East other factors come into play.

The rich mystical traditions of the Hindu faith and Vedic traditions place great emphasis on the pink colour. The colour pink is associated with happiness and passion for life. And in Vedic terms, the colour pink comes close to the crown Chakra, which is designated by a light violet color that is closer to deeper shades found in the pink sapphire range and is associated with the flow of energy through the body.

When it comes to picking a pink sapphire stone, and specifically in the case of a fine jewel like a pink sapphire ring Australia, the wearer by opting of for this gemstone setting is bribing the powers and benefits of this colored gemstone closer to the heart. If you value the mystical world and wish to receive its promises then a pink sapphire ring is a worthy choice.

Buying a Top Natural Pink Sapphire for Engagement Rings

When it comes to buying quality sapphire can be a straightforward process. If you know what you are looking for. But buying a sapphire that fits your expectations of a solid engagement ring is not always simple. In this context, if you are in the market for a pink sapphire engagement ring, there are a few factors that you ought to consider if you wish to make that engagement ring your own.

The Cut of the Gemstone

Once you have settled on the colour of your gemstone (which in this case is pink) the next key consideration is the cut of the gemstone. In the world of diamonds, the most popular type is the round brilliant cut, a practice that has carried over into the world of sapphires. In the world colour gemstones, with sapphires in particular the step cut is prominent. This is a type of cut that seeks to maximise the colour contain regions of the rough stone. Since colour is a key marker of value, jewellers and gem cutters seek to maximise these regions of the stone but adopting this specific cut.

The aim of the gem-cutting process, besides maximising the coloured regions of the rough stone, is to enhance the light reflectivity. Since the ability of the gemstone reflects as much light as possible is a key feature in determining the stone’s value, gem cutters will alternate between deep, shall and idea cuts as they see fit. If you wish to learn more about gemstone cuts check out our Education pages.

When it comes to picking a pink sapphire for your engagement ring, however, your focus needs to be on the style. Here there are a variety of gemstone cuts or styles to choose from: with oval, cushion, and emerald being popular options. Notable here is pink sapphire pear cut sapphire which is an interesting addition to the pink sapphire ring Australia range.

Precious Metal Options for Pink Sapphire Engagement Rings

No engagement ring is complete without a solid metal band. With gold leading the way it is tempting to simply opt for white gold as the metal of choice for your band. This might work a large number of pink sapphire engagement ring buyers, however, certain buyers might wish for something else. Enter the rose gold pink sapphire engagement ring setting. Consider it a near-perfect match of the lovely pink hues, no matter the specific shade of the gemstone in question, the rose gold + pink sapphire combination is a great match that accentuates the colours and presence of each other. A top choice for those wish to stand apart with their choice of pink sapphire Australia.

In addition, one can also opt for the white gold option. However, those looking to truly stand out might well consider the platinum metal range. In a top setting like a halo, where the accent stones of your choice, like diamonds, complement well the pink sapphire centre stone.



Rafael Green

Damian Sylvester

Damian Sylvester is the Lead Content Creator and Digital Marketer for Brilliyond

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