Yellow Sapphire Rose Gold Vintage Engagement ...

Aquamarine White Gold Vintage Engagement Ring...

Aquamarine Rose Gold Vintage Engagement Ring ...

Yellow Sapphire Yellow Gold Vintage Engagemen...

White Sapphire Yellow Gold Vintage Engagement...

Diamond White Gold Vintage Engagement Ring Co...

White Sapphire Rose Gold Vintage Engagement R...

Garnet Ring White Gold Vintage Country Road

Vintage Sapphire Engagement Ring Country Road...

Diamond Rose Gold Vintage Engagement Ring Cou...

Amethyst Yellow Gold Vintage Engagement Ring ...

Garnet Ring Rose Gold Vintage Country Road

Garnet Ring Yellow Gold Vintage Country Road

Diamond Platinum Vintage Engagement Ring Coun...

Blue Sapphire Yellow Gold Vintage Engagement ...

Diamond Yellow Gold Vintage Engagement Ring C...

Pink Sapphire White Gold Vintage Engagement R...

Blue Sapphire White Gold Vintage Engagement R...

Yellow Sapphire White Gold Vintage Engagement...

Amethyst White Gold Vintage Engagement Ring C...

Yellow Gold Aquamarine Country Road Vintage E...

Pink Sapphire Yellow Gold Vintage Engagement ...

White Sapphire White Gold Vintage Engagement ...

Blue Sapphire Rose Gold Vintage Engagement Ri...

Custom Design


Amethyst Rose Gold Vintage Engagement Ring Co...

Filigree Engagement Rings has an average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 15 customer reviews.

Filigree rings today have become a modern addition to the world of engagement rings, despite their origins going back decades. The origins of filigree style rings go back to the Edwardian era during the early part of the 20th century. Taking inspiration from the Art Deco period that was coming into its own around that time, filigree rings capture the romantic sensibility of the time with a greater emphasis on complex designs, with a high artistic touch.

What Sets Filigree Engagement Rings Apart?

In a word, it is detailed. High detail. From the standpoint of an engagement ring buyer, the decision to opt for this ring style comes to the need to have an engagement ring that is high detail, which is produced by the presence of the filigrees. ‘Filigrees’, which is a term some find new or confusing, especially in the context of engagement rings, basically refers to various ornamental works, which are often made with gold, silver and other precious metals. The filigree design features a wire-like design that extends in multiple directions. From an architectural standpoint, filigrees are closely related to tracery: which involves branching lines shaped like creepers, which is found in Gothic architecture. In filigree engagement rings these very artistic concepts are incorporated into a smaller design and are showcased on the band of the ring. So if you are a person who has a thing for complex designs, or for something that stands in a more traditional manner, then filigree engagement rings may be the choice for you.

Custom Filigree Engagement Rings

Picking your dream engagement can be a straightforward process if you know what you want. Even when going for a complex design choice like filigree engagement rings. However modern buyers are such that they (you) come with a variety of expectations, where the desire to add their own personal touch or spin on their ring of choice is strong. If you are looking for a filigree ring design but wish to add specific changes or improvements, like different gemstone combinations. Our collection of filigree rings is known for their high accent stone count, featuring diamond simulants and alternatives. Here customers can request their own additions, from different gemstones that vary in terms of colour or size. In addition to gemstone type, filigree rings can be found in all top metal options: platinum, yellow gold, white gold and rose gold. The choice of rings and the range of customization is almost endless.

Top Class Sapphire Filigree Rings

Sapphires are among the most popular gemstones in the world. As the second hardest gemstone on the Mohs scale, behind diamonds, and coming in an array of colours, sapphires are a great choice when it comes to filigree engagement rings. In filigree rings, sapphire adds a very romantic and noble touch. Being the choice of nobles and royalty through the centuries, sapphires, particularly the blue sapphire and Padparadscha sapphire variants, are among the most sought after options. Adding to the sense of style of the filigree design are those which feature a combination of diamonds and sapphire. Notable here is the blue sapphire, and diamond filigree designs that are set in the white gold or platinum option. Here you combine the premium qualities of the diamond, with the rich hue of the sapphire, now set in the complex design of the filigree ring. In addition, those opting for a sapphire only filigree ring can also opt for a multicoloured sapphire combination: with white and blue sapphire filigree ring.

Why Choose Brilliyond Filigree Rings 

Filigree rings are growing in popularity in present times. Most top fine jewellery companies feature a variety of filigree variations of Filigree designs. There are a number of alternatives when it comes to this particular ring style, and making the right choice when it comes to your filigree engagement ring jeweller is not a straightforward one. When it comes to Brilliyond filigree rings a number of factors stand out: Our rings are made by an expert team of ring designers, where rings are crafted using modern technology, and made with authentic naturally sourced gemstone, with sapphires, diamonds, amethysts, rubies and much more leading way. Notable here are our Country Road engagement rings, which are one of our trademark designs. Our ring designs feature that stylish touch, combing the feminine with uniqueness. Brilliyond provides a vast selection of filigree engagement rings that are made to specification, with solid pre-and-post sales services. As an Australian jewellery company set in Melbourne, we are able to provide nationwide speedy delivery, with dedicated customer support.