What is an Internally Flawless Diamond

Diamond quality is measured according to the 4Cs: they determine the quality of a diamond based on its colour, clarity, cut and carat. A key measure that makes up this list, one that is often easy to ignore is the clarity of the stone in question.

Whilst other variables like colour, cut and no doubt the carat stand out more prominently, determining the clarity of the stone in terms of its final quality may prove to be a bit tricky. So a good place to start is the top diamond in terms of its clarity levels: that is the internally flawless diamond.

In this Education page, we will analyse the features of flawless diamonds. The highest-rated clarity standard.

What is Diamond Clarity?

Any discussion of diamond clarity must begin with a quick overview of what is meant by diamond clarity, and how they are categorized from the highest clarity diamonds to the lowest. First, what does clarity mean in diamonds? Diamond clarity refers to the quality in relation to the presence of inclusions and blemishes. Critically, it is their absence or the relative lack of these imperfections internally and on the surface of the gemstone.

The origins and the particular nature of blemishes and inclusions will engage in another post. For now what the reader needs to bear in mind is that inclusions and blemishes and other types of adverse effects are found in naturally sourced gemstones like diamonds, and affect the final quality of the stone. The one notable difference which is worth keeping in mind is that inclusions refer to foreign bodies that enter the structure of the stone, causing internal disruptions to the structural uniformity of the stone. Blemishes on the other hand refer to external inconsistencies found on the surface of the diamond.

So when it comes to picking top-quality gemstones the principle is the fewer the inclusions the higher clarity of the stone. When it comes to diamond clarity, there is a hierarchy that extends from flawless diamonds (FL) to included diamonds (I), which break down into three categories (I1 – 13). In this post, we will analyse the features of flawless diamonds, and answer the question of how popular they are.

What is a Flawless Diamond?

Flawless diamonds are authentic diamonds which feature no inclusions or blemishes which are not even visible under electron microscopic magnification. Flawless diamonds are the highest graded diamond quality stone with respect to clarity, and the rarest in nature and hence command the highest market value. The origins of flawless diamonds and of diamond clarity range began in the 1930s when the standards were established by the Gemological Institute of America.

The rarity of a flawless diamond is based on the advantages development process that this gemstone undergoes. Like all diamonds, natural flawless diamonds form deep within the Earth’s surface, which develops under extreme heat and pressure where carbon atoms bond under these conditions forming the unique covalent structure which makes up diamonds.

Under these circumstances, the development of diamonds is not going to be perfect, and invariably much of the carbon formation during the hardening process starts to feature external materials which seep in tiny amounts, giving rise to inclusions. The problem with inclusions and how it affects diamond quality is a broader subject, for now, what the reader needs to keep in mind is that inclusions undermine the interactivity of light with gemstone. Since the visibility of colour-or, the absence of colour-in diamonds is a function of the reaction of light waves and the nature of the surface upon which it falls.

Differentiating Flawless Diamonds

The presence of inclusions and blemishes disrupts the ability of light that contacts the surface of the stone, and then penetrates through it; that goes on to produce the reflective effects that give rise to the distinct glow that differentiates diamonds. The greater the number of inclusions the weaker the brilliant qualities of diamonds such as sparkle and scintillation. With flawless diamonds, the total absence of these internal and external shortfalls makes them an absolute gem when it comes to light reflecting and of course clarity

When it comes to identifying flawless diamonds it is important to differentiate them from internally flawless diamonds (IF), the next top guy on the list. The two diamond types in terms of clarity are pretty much the same, with the one notable difference being that internally flawless diamonds do feature certain surface blemishes, which puts them a step below flawless diamonds.

Why Opt for Flawless Diamonds?

Simply put there are the rarest and the most valued diamond clarity stone in the market. To own a gem quality flawless diamond that is well cut is something of a feat. They are a premium option for diamond jewellery like engagement rings, and generally command a premium price at higher carats. However, when considering flawless diamonds it is best to not lose sight of the other factors that make up the 4Cs. No matter how much clarity the diamond has, without decent colour (D – H colour range) and is cut expertly then you may be looking at a premium quality stone.

Factors to Consider when Going for Flawless Diamonds

The first point to consider when opting for flawless diamonds is the form in which they are being purchased. Are you going for individual stones, or opting for flawless diamond engagement rings? Generally, our focus is on gemstone ring buyers, but regardless, of whether you are going for a diamond engagement ring or a single-cut diamond it is imperative that you request a GIA report that showcases the key features of the stone.

Whilst there are other diamond accreditation companies and some of them are legit, however, the principle is to do the due diligence. This is important since flawless and even internally flawless diamonds cannot be determined by looking at the naked eye. Another interesting point to consider is that diamond clarity is often determined when studied under magnification, usually, it is 10x. However, if one goes higher than 30x and above, even flawless diamonds could feature certain inconsistencies. This is beside the point as flawless diamonds are a top choice for engagement rings.